With Objective Pascal, you work directly with the Mapbox classes; there is no wrapper for the Mapbox framework, just an interface unit that declares the Mapbox classes.
Double-click the .zip and move the resulting folder anywhere you like.
This script will compile common macOS interface units (AppKit, CoreLocation, etc.) to /Developer/ObjectivePascal/units/x86_64-darwin/macOS/NoCocoaAll.
This script will compile the Mapbox interface unit to /Developer/ObjectivePascal/units/x86_64-darwin/Mapbox/NoCocoaAll.
./makeproj osx-mapbox ~/MyXcodeProjects/testmb1
Click on Main.storyboard in the Project Navigator, then select the Map View and click the Attributes inspector in Utilities. Enter these values for the Map View:
BoxCast ObjP uses the NDFD framework for retrieving weather forecast data to display on the map. BoxCastObjP also demonstrates how to do the following:
./compile-ndfdlib-macos.sh Framework
(With the standard Cocoa menus, you also get an About box without any additional work. You can easily customize it by setting the credits in the app delegate's displayAboutBox method provided by the template.)
Where does Cocoa save this information? Well, under ~/Library of course, using the app's bundle ID (eg, com.mydomain.myapp). That's one reason why it's important to use a unique bundle ID for each app.
Here are the ~/Library locations that your app uses:
From the user's perspective, uninstalling an app on macOS is simple: just drag the app to the trash. But the above files stay behind. That's fine if the user installs the app again (for example, a newer version), because it will use the previous installation's preferences and settings. But to completely uninstall an app you really need to delete the above files as well. You can also delete them to reset an app, for example during testing.
macpgmr (at) icloud (dot) com
First posted March 16, 2018.