Developing with Objective Pascal
Part 13: Using Dropbox API with iOS and OS X
Get the SDK examples working
Parse the SDK header files
Get the Pascal example working
While iOS 5.0 and OS X 10.7 added support for Apple's free iCloud service,
iCloud is not available to earlier versions of iOS or OS X and, except
for the iCloud Control Panel client for Windows, is generally not available
for other platforms.
Adding support for iCloud to your iOS and OS X apps makes sense in
many cases, but you may also want to consider adding support for an alternative
like Dropbox when it's likely that some users will want to be able to
share files with unsupported platforms. These notes describe how to do that.
Get the SDK examples working
- Before you do anything else, make sure you can get the Dropbox SDK Objective C
example programs working. Both the iOS and OS X SDKs include a DBRoulette
example, which is a simple photo viewing app that downloads photos from
the user's storage area for that app on the Dropbox server.
- Open one of the example projects in Xcode and run it (Product | Run). You'll
get an error message that you haven't set the app key yet. To obtain an app
key, log into your Dropbox account and create one:
In iCloud terms, a Dropbox app key is similar to an iCloud "entitlement
bundle identifier". In both cases, they can be used for more than one app
that need to share the same files in the cloud. For example, you might have
a lite version of your app and a full version - both could share the same
app key/identifier so that a user who upgrades to the full version can
continue to use files from the lite version. In our case, you can use the
same app key for both the iOS and OS X example programs.
Note that app names need to be unique - if the Dropbox site indicates that a
name is already taken, try adding your initials to the app name.
- With both example programs, change the appKey, appSecret and
root where indicated in the app delegate code. Also change the
CFBundleURLSchemes key in the project's DBRoulette-Info.plist file.
More information and an overview is here:
Note: Starting with the Setup step, make sure you have iOS selected from the
dropdown menu.
Parse the SDK header files
Refer to this page for help with parsing the Dropbox header files
and compiling the Pascal Dropbox units (Dropbox_iOS.pas and Dropbox_OSX.pas):
Get the Pascal example working
Download this file and unzip it:
This is the start of a Pascal example program adapted from the iOS version
of DBRoulette.
The Pascal example program can log in and log out of your Dropbox account.
The Objective Pascal code is just a transliteration of the original
Objective C code in DBRouletteAppDelegate.m and a bit from RootViewController.m.
Adapting the remaining code in PhotoViewController.m that actually downloads
the photos is left as an exercise for the reader.
To compile the Pascal example, you will need to do the following:
- Open Test6_DBiOS.xcodeproj in Xcode 4.2 or later.
- Change appKey and appSecret where indicated in
Test6_DBiOS_AppDelegateU.pas. Also change the CFBundleURLSchemes key
in the project's Test6_DBiOS-Info.plist file.
- On the project's Build Settings tab, check the path in the
FPC_COMMON setting's -Ff switch to make sure it points
to where you unzipped the Dropbox iOS SDK.
- Check the path in the FPC_ARM_UNITS and FPC_SIM_UNITS
settings' -Fu switch to make sure they point to where your
iPhoneAll.o, Dropbox_iOS.o, etc. files are located.
Copyright 2012 by Phil Hess.
macpgmr (at) fastermac (dot) net
First posted April 15, 2012; last edited May 9, 2013.