Developing with Objective Pascal
Part 12: Adding Windows to a Cocoa App
Adding a window to your Xcode project
Displaying the window as a modal sheet
Running the app
Adapting the window
Most Mac apps are document-based, as described in Part 2.
This means they can open multiple documents, each in its own window, and most
of the menu bar commands apply only to the current window or document, not
to the entire application. As a result, a document-based app generally does
not use modal dialogs, since a modal dialog would block access to the other
windows until the user closes the dialog. Instead, document-based apps display
dialogs as modal sheets, which are somewhere between modal dialogs and
non-modal ones. With a modal sheet, the user can still switch to one of the
other document windows, without first closing the dialog. These dialogs
are often described as being document modal, rather than application
Some Mac apps are both document-based and tab-based. For example, with
Safari, you can choose File | New Window or File | New Tab. When you
open multiple windows in Safari, you can then resize each window, position
them side-by-side, etc. When you choose a menu command that displays a dialog
(for example, File | Save As), the resulting modal sheet only applies to
the currently focused window; you can still switch to a different window
while the dialog is open. When you use multiple tabs, the dialog still
applies only to the currently focused tab, but now it blocks access to the
other tabs since all the tabs are in the same window. With this type of app,
the user can then choose between the flexibility of multiple windows or the
compactness of a single window with multiple tabs.
These notes describe how to add windows to your document-based Cocoa
apps and display them as modal sheets.
- A document-based Cocoa app like the Test2 example of
Part 2.
- ObjP_ListWindowControllerU.pas and ObjP_ListWindow.xib files from
Adding a window to your Xcode project
Part 7 discusses a custom Pascal template for
Xcode that you can use to add secondary views to an iOS app. A similar
custom template could be used here as well (if someone's interested in
creating it) to automate the multiple steps involved in adding a window.
However, this article takes a different approach, starting instead with a
finished window that you can add to your own project and adapt as necessary.
In case you're wondering, here are the manual steps for adding a new window
to your Xcode project:
- Choose File | New | New File and choose Window from the User Interface
tab under Mac OS X. This creates a .xib user interface file.
- Choose File | New | New File and choose Objective-C class from the Cocoa
tab under Mac OS X, selecting NSWindowController to subclass. This creates an
.h header file and an .m source file.
- Create a unit containing the Pascal equivalent to the ObjC class
created in step 2.
- Wire the .xib to the ObjC class. Specifically, you must click
the .xib's File's Owner button and, on the Custom Class tab, select the step 2
ObjC class from the list. You can then drag the window's outlet to the
File's Owner button, thus connecting the window with the class that will
manage it.
In this example, instead of creating a window manually, we'll use one that's
ready to use, as follows:
- Unzip that you downloaded above.
- Copy its files into your project folder. Xcode doesn't really care where
you put the files, although the following organization should make sense:
- Put ObjP_ListWindow.xib with the project's other .xib files,
for example in the en.lproj folder.
- Put ObjP_ListWindowControllerU.pas with the project's other
Pascal files.
- If you're not already using it in your project, put NSHelpers.pas
with the project's other Pascal files too (ObjP_ListWindowControllerU.pas
needs NSHelpers' string conversion functions).
- Technically, you don't really need ObjP_ListWindowController.h and
ObjP_ListWindowController.m unless you plan to make changes to the .xib
file's connections (outlets and actions), but you can put them with the
project's other .h/.m files for completeness.
- Open your project in Xcode and tell Xcode about the new files:
- Right-click the top-level yellow folder in Project navigator and
choose Add Files, then select ObjP_ListWindow.xib.
- Now right-click Pascal Source in Project navigator and choose Add Files,
then select ObjP_ListWindowControllerU.pas.
Xcode will add this file to the
Compile Sources list on the Build Phases tab, but since Xcode does not
know how to compile a Pascal file, you should remove it from the list -
select it and click the minus (-).
- Finally, if you copied the .h/.m files into your project, right-click
ObjC Source for Connections in Project navigator and select them.
Displaying the window as a modal sheet
As its name suggests, the supplied window provides a way to display a
list of items that the user can select from. In VCL/LCL terms, it
functions very much like a TForm containing a TListBox and two TButton's.
However, unlike a VCL/LCL form, we'll display the window as a modal sheet,
rather than as a modal or non-modal dialog. Here's how you do that:
- Add ObjP_ListWindowControllerU to the uses statement of your main
window controller's unit (in Part 2's terms, this would be the
MyWindowControllerU unit).
- Add a button to your main window (Part 2's MyDocument.xib) and add an
action method for the button to its owner class (MyWindowController). When you
implement the Pascal equivalent to this method, copy and paste the following
code, which creates the window controller object, populates the window's list,
sets the list's label, then displays the window as a modal sheet:
procedure MyWindowController.ListBtnClick(sender : id);
ListWC : ObjP_ListWindowController;
ListWC := ObjP_ListWindowController.alloc.init;
ListWC.ListItems.Add('Item 1 goes here');
ListWC.ListItems.Add('Item 2 goes here');
ListWC.window; {Force window to be loaded so controls respond to messages}
ListWC.ListLbl.setStringValue(NSSTR('Select an item from the list.'));
(ListWC.window, self.window,
self, objcselector('ListSheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:'),
{Pass window controller object to delegate's method so it has
access to it. Note that beginSheet returns immediately.}
- Add another method to the main window controller class that handles the
window after the user is done with it. In the method's declaration, make sure
the message is the same as what you specified in the beginSheet call
procedure MyWindowController.ListSheetDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo(
sheet : NSWindow;
returnCode : NSInteger;
contextInfo : SEL);
{Do something with sheet window and contextInfo, then
proceed based on value of returnCode.}
sheet.close; {This will also release window}
if returnCode < 0 then {User cancelled?}
{returnCode contains index of selected item - do something with it}
Tip: Review the code in ObjP_ListWindowControllerU.pas to see how
the list is implemented.
Running the app
Now compile and run your app, then click the button on the document window
that opens at startup. The list window should descend from from the
document window's title bar as though pulled down ("unfurl" is Apple's term),
rather than pop up like a modal dialog. One obvious benefit of this is that
it's clear what the sheet applies to - it applies only to the window that
it's attached to. The primary benefit is that it doesn't block out everything
else. For example, you can continue using the program, even File | New,
while the sheet is displayed.
Notice how the sheet does not have a title of its own. It's truly a
subsidiary of the main window, not something that stands on its own.
Adapting the window
It's easy to adapt the list window's files and reuse them in other projects,
even distribute them to other programmers. For example, to modify the
window's files under a different name, just do this:
- Rename the 4 files.
- Edit the .pas/.h/.m files and change all occurrences of ObjP_List to reflect
the new name (for example, ObjP_ListWindow --> MyCool_ListWindow).
- When you add the new files to a project, be sure to change the .xib's
File's Owner class to the new class (on the Custom Class tab).
To change the window layout or add to it, just do that in Xcode as you would
with any .xib. For example, since the list is implemented using an
NSTableView, you could easily make it a multi-column list. Just increase
the number of columns for the Table View and revise the
tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row method so it returns an appropriate
value for each column. Tip: Enter a unique Identifier value
for each Table Column and look for these values in your code, like so:
if NSStrToStr(NSString(atableColumn.identifier)) = 'Column 1') then
Result := StrToNSStr(somestring)
else if NSStrToStr(NSString(atableColumn.identifier)) = 'Column 2') then
Result := StrToNSStr(anotherstring);
And, as always, when in doubt refer to Apple's
AppKit docs.
Copyright 2012 by Phil Hess.
macpgmr (at) fastermac (dot) net
First posted Feb. 5, 2012.