Version 0.1.5 (26-Jul-2017) - Added OnLinkClick event property for handling link clicks. Version 0.1.4 (22-Jul-2017) - Added EvaluateJavaScript method to TWebBrowser for evaluating a string containing JavaScript. Version 0.1.3 (20-Jul-2017) - Added more notes to readme.txt and links to technical docs in code. - Simplied Qt implementation slightly. Version 0.1.2 (16-Jul-2017) - Added PasMap example app. - Added readme.txt file. Version 0.1.2 (15-Jul-2017) - Added LoadPageFromHtml method to TWebBrowser for loading a string containing HTML. - Added support for Qt widgetset. - Included UsingCocoaFromTrunk.html document. Version 0.1.1 (07-Jul-2017) - Added OnPageLoaded and OnPageLoadError event properties to TWebBrowser. Version 0.1 (05-Jul-2017) - Initial proof-of-concept release. Only LCL Cocoa widgetset is implemented.